How to Clean and Store your Dildos

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If you told me I’d be playing with dildos years ago, I would not believe you! I was always the one who was afraid to play with sex toys that had to be inserted in my pussy. It felt wrong during a time where I was already feeling bad for rubbing things against my pussy to masturbate. Dildos also never appealed to me because they felt fake. I knew how a hard dick felt and it did not feel like that.

But, after meeting some freaky partners who introduced me to dildos and discovering ones that felt like the real deal, I’m proud to say that I LOVE DILDOS! My dildo chest only includes 4 right now but, I hope for it to grow… Pun intended…

If you want the dildos that feel real and are great quality you’re going to spend a couple dollars on them. Probably starting around $85. They are not cheap therefore you want to make sure that you always clean and store them properly after using them. By doing this, your dildos will last a life time.. Okay maybe not a lifetime but a long time.

I’m not going to lie, there are times where after I’m done using my dildo I will be lazy and just throw them back into my toy chest. We’re all humans and sometimes we want to avoid the extra stuff . We can do that with some things but, don’t do that with this! Sex toys can build up bacteria that can lead to all types of infections which is not cute hunnay!! So to avoid the antibiotics, clean your toys. Your pussy will be glad that you did it.

This is how I clean and store my dildos. There are plenty of ways to do it but I find this the easiest way!

Step One: Get your dildos WET

First step is getting your dildos all wet with warm water just the way they like it! I like doing this in the sink so that I can clean all my toys all at once rather than doing them individually. Even the shower is a great place to wash your toys. Don’t forget to get all the crusties off.

My favorite dildos…

Goddess Vibrator by Tantus
Step Two: Grab your Toy Cleaner product

Step two, grab your favorite toy cleaner. Mine is the JO Refresh foaming toy cleaner. I love this product because the foam gets into all the holes and crevices that you might normally miss. Just squirt foam on all your dildos and jerk them off until there is foam all over. Don’t forget to get the base or the balls. They need loving too. What’s great about this product too is that it only takes 60 seconds to work! Just wash off the foam and you are done!

JO Refresh Foaming Toy Cleaner

Use my code SEXISH10 on JO to get a 10% discount!

Step Three: Store Them

Step 3 is storing them. While you can just leave them on your headboard or on the side of your bed, this will most likely cause them to collect dust which is not the best way if you’re trying to keep them forever. I got this idea of storing my dildos this way from my favorite sales person at my local Hustler Hollywood. It has been the best way for me to keeping my dildos looking and feeling fresh. So after washing your toys, you’ll want to dry them off or air dry them. Then you’re going to take a big zip lock bag and fill it with cornstarch. Just enough cornstarch so that it can cover the entire dildo. After that, zip them up and store it back into your toy chest! It’s so easy!

Ziploc Freezer Gallon
ARGO Corn Starch
Step 4: Ready to Use them?

Ready to use them again? Just take them out the bag, wash off all the cornstarch and wala!! They are fresh and ready to get dirty again.

I hope this post helps you the next time you clean your dildos. Let me know if this works out for you.

Stay Sexy & Curious!

Instagram : @Sexishh

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Disclaimer: Many of the links provided are affiliate links which means that I may get commission if you purchase something using the link on my website. (Thank you in advance) This is at no cost to you at all. I only share things that I believe would help one in their sexual journey. All my opinions and advice are my own. I am not a doctor or therapist so if you have any real life concerning questions, I am not the one.

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