Ethical Porn sites For Women

Are you trying to get into porn but you can’t find anything that turns you on? Ethical Porn sites might be for you.

I love hardcore nasty degrading porn. That is one of my kinks I developed over time. Keyword, “overtime.” I came to like this type of porn after watching so many different types of categories, different porno productions, and different websites. It wasn’t always easy finding the type of porn that worked for me especially when I was younger and trying to get into it. Now, I love porn! In my opinion, it’s one of the greatest ways to explore your sexuality. It allows you to be curious and helps with fantasizing during masturbation. If you are just getting into porn, I’m here for you!

I started watching porn around middle school. I was a horny little kid. While I knew I wanted to watch something sexy, I knew that I didn’t want it to be too sexy.

At the time, penetrative sex was considered too hardcore for me.

I figured I was only 13 and I wouldn’t be fucking like that until later on in life. I stuck to three main categories. lesbian porn, best sex scenes in movies and mastubation porn. They were sexy but still innocent enough for me to enjoy at the time.

While those satisfied me for a little, I was more disappointed with the categories that I couldn’t find which was kissing, sensual and basically anything that was “lovey dovey” sex. I was trying to look for porn that would ease me into it. Something that looked relatable and real. I had a hard time looking for my fantasy.

If you’re getting into porn and you are having a hard time looking for something that turns you on, it’s probably because most mainstream porn is made for cis-gender men. It is mostly fulfilling their fantasies and not yours. Not all of us want to imagine being deep throated, choked, or being fucked like a rabbit.

Unlike men who are more visual, women need to be stimulated in the mind to achieve any type of orgasm or pleasure. While there are plenty of women who enjoy mainstream porn, there are many who prefer to watch porn that is sensual and women focused.

It is now only in the last couple of years women are realizing that they deserve pleasure too. We are seeing a rise in sex toys made specifically to make women cum. This just shows how much we love to cum and how much we love having sex! As a result, we are seeing more women creating porn for women. It’s about time!

Finally, women are making it easier for other women to enjoy watching porn. Porn created by women is not your typical porn you would see on pornhub, xxxvideos, redtube, etc. You’ll notice these porn focuses more on the woman’s pleasure. It focuses more on what a woman would fantasize rather than what a man would. This includes authenticity, connection between partners and mutual respect.

If you are looking for sexy masturbation material and typical porn is not working for you, try these feminist porn sites. I’m sure you will have an easier time finding your fantasy there. Unfortunately, alot of these feminist porn is not for free but you can definitely count on them for being produced ethically.

I’m a huge porn advocate if it works for you. If you like hardcore sex or if you like soft core sex embrace that shit! I think porn has a bad rep because people look at it in the wrong way. I think porn should be used to help embrace your sexuality. I view it as a performance more than an education. I think it’s an act these performers are paid to do because they can do it. Their body was made for this. So don’t compare yourself to these porn stars. Instead, be curious and try out the things that spark your interest. But never, ever compare! Don’t feel too bad if you can’t stick two massive dildos in your booty hole unless that’s something you want to try, then go for it.

TIP: Try watching porn with your partner then point out all of the things you want to try. Since men are more visual, they will have a better understanding on how to make you cum easier.

Ethical Porn sites

Stay Sexy & Curious!

Instagram : @sexishh

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