10 SUBSCRIBERS!! It might not seem a lot to you but to me, I’ve accomplished my January goal! That goal was to get 10 subscribers by the end of the month! I’m so proud of where Sexish has gone in the last month or two since I’ve been consistent.

I started sexishblog.com using WIX and then switched over to wordpress because supposedly WIX does not allow adult content. That was unacceptalbe as a sex blogger because best believe I am posting adult content. I want to have the option to posting titties and ass on my blog. Most likely just ass because I’m an ass person all day. So if titties are your thing, please reconsider now. JUST KIDDING! I’ll throw in a tittie every now and then.

It wasn’t easy transferring all my content to wordpress. There was coding involved and the last time I dealt with any type of coding was during Myspace days. Now looking back at it, I was pretty dope with it. I knew how to change colors, fonts, and even the style of paragraphs. Oh, how nice it was to be young and learn new skills so fast. Of course, almost 15 years later I remember 0 information on it. I had to relearn every thing all over again.

It was torture having Sexishblog.com down for a couple of days to figure out how wordpress worked. I couldn’t stop thinking how many people out there needed a friend like me to talk sex talk with. While it was frustrating it was worth it! Because after figuring out what “cache”,”plugins”, “widgets” and all of those technical words meant, we are now here! I am in love with sexishblog.com! It’s sexy, fun, & straight to the point. It’s all about sex!!

I want to say thank you to everyone who is subscribed! I appreciate your support and I hope you learn something new every time you get a ding on a new post! I’m so excited to be on this journey with you to embracing your sexuality! I wish you all days full of jizz in your life! I love you!

Muah!! THANK YOU!!

Don’t forget to check out My favorite sex shops page! There is a bunch of Valentine’s day sale going on that you do not want to miss!

Stay Sexy & Curious


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